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Advocacy Letters

Letter on COP28

November 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Letter on COP28

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28, was held from November 30 to December 13 in United Arab Emirates. Canada sent an official delegation to the conference, including Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault. Ahead of COP28 on November 21, CFUW sent a letter to Minister Guilbeault encouraging the…

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Call to Action: The Right to a Healthy Environment

November 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Call to Action: The Right to a Healthy Environment

In 2022, CFUW passed a Resolution urging the federal government to enable constitutional recognition that a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right. CFUW recognizes that without a healthy environment, all other human rights are compromised-the preservation of the environment is central to the improvement of the status of women. We also know…

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Letter on the War and Humanitarian Crisis in Israel and Gaza

October 27, 2023 / Comments Off on Letter on the War and Humanitarian Crisis in Israel and Gaza

On October 27, 2023, CFUW National sent a letter on the war and humanitarian crisis in Israel and Gaza to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as Ministers Mélanie Joly, Ahmed Hussen, Bill Blair, and Marci Ien, and Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Rae. Read the letter here.

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Call to Action: Environmental Racism and Justice

March 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Call to Action: Environmental Racism and Justice

Support of Bill C-226 on a National Strategy to Address Environmental Racism Bill C-226: An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice This bill is about to go for its third reading and would enact the need for a national strategy on…

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CFUW joins #Women4GunControl Coalition

March 16, 2023 / Comments Off on CFUW joins #Women4GunControl Coalition

Campaign on Bill C-21 to ban assault-style firearms CFUW joins Women’s 30 other Women’s and Feminist Organizations as part of the #Women4GunControl Coalition to Call on National Party Leaders to Honour Their Campaign Promises to Ban Assault-Style Firearms From the open letter to national party leaders: “Gun control is a feminist issue, since access to…

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Letter to Ministers Re: Firearms Controls and Violence Against Women

May 18, 2022 / Comments Off on Letter to Ministers Re: Firearms Controls and Violence Against Women

CFUW National President, Kathryn Wilkinson, was proud to join other feminist leaders in a letter on firearms controls as they relate to violence against women initiated by the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) to The Honourable Marco Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Safety and The Honourable Marci Ien, P.C., M.P., Minister…

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