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Standing Committee on RESOLUTIONS

CFUW advocates for public policy changes based on resolutions that are approved by our membership at our Annual General Meetings/Policy Sessions. Resolutions that are national or international in scope, and conform to CFUW’s purpose and mission, are researched and proposed by CFUW Clubs or National Committees. The subsequent adopted resolutions form our framework for action and advocacy. The CFUW Adopted Resolutions Book houses resolutions adopted by our membership since 1964.

Schedule for the 2024-2025 Resolutions Process

For full details about what resolutions are and how they are developed, consult the CFUW Resolutions Information and Guidelines 2024-2025 document (in French here).

Below are key dates for the 2024-2025 cycle:

Up to November 1:

Club involvement in planning a proposed Resolution and submission of Resolutions Intent with the Club’s authorization. Intents must be submitted through Google Forms by November 1.

November 1 - 15:

CFUW Resolutions Committee reviews submitted Intents and provides comments to Proposers.

November 22:

Resolution Intents published in Club Action News.

January 30:

Resolutions, including Resolved Clause(s), Background, Implementation, and Bibliography, due through Google Forms.

January 31 - February 15:

CFUW Resolutions Committee reviews submitted Resolutions and provides comments to Proposers by email.

February 15 - 22:

Proposers review comments from CFUW Resolutions Committee, make any changes, confirm all Bibliography hyperlinks are active, and submit revised Resolutions through Google Forms.

March 7:

Resolutions published in Club Action News for Club review and possible amendments.

March 7 - April 30:

Clubs review Resolutions and submit amendments through Google Forms (link to be published in Club Action News on March 7).

April 30 - May 15:

Proposers review amendments and advise Amenders regarding acceptance or rejection of their amendments by email. Proposers forward amended resolution to the CFUW National Advocacy and Policy Specialist by email.

May 23:

Revised Resolutions published in Club Action News.

May 29:

Proposers and Amenders Workshop with Clubs to discuss amended Resolutions and explain why proposed amendments were accepted or not.

Up to one week before the Policy Session:

Proposers email final versions of their Resolutions to CFUW National Advocacy and Policy Specialist, who arranges any further edits required before publishing in the Policy Session Booklet.