Annual General Meeting & Conference
Each year, CFUW members from across the country come together for an Annual General Meeting and Conference. The event spans several days, combining a mix of workshops, speakers, business (e.g. resolutions, finance reports, etc.), networking, and fun.
The dates and location of the AGM and Conference change each year, but are usually held in mid-July. The Annual General Meeting consists of two formats:
- Odd years are held virtually
- Even years (Board Elections) are held in person
In this section you will find information and documents from upcoming and past AGM and Conferences.
Documentation from the 2024 CFUW AGM, Edmonton, July 22-24:
Policy Session Booklet EN/FR
Business and Finance Booklet EN/FR
At a Glance 2023-2024 EN/FR
CFUW Annual Reports 2023-2024 EN/FR

Documentation from the 2023 CFUW AGM:
Policy Session Booklet EN/FR
Business and Finance Booklet EN/FR
At a Glance 2022- 2023 EN/FR
CFUW Annual Reports 2022-2023